your concerns > How can I control my temper?

Dear Doctor, I am very short-tempered and there are times when I even lose my breath when I become too angry. Is it normal to feel this way? How can I control my temper? Samantha

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Dear Doctor,

I am very short-tempered and there are times when I even lose my breath when I become too angry. Is it normal to feel this way? How can I control my temper?


Dear Samantha,

Your problem is more mental than physical. When one is angry or excited, the sympathetic nervous system (part of involuntary nervous system activated during fright or flight) is stimulated. This causes increased release of adrenaline and other stress-related hormones. There can be breathlessness, increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, dryness of mouth and other anxiety related features due to increased adrenalin levels. It can be a precursor of serious diseases like hypertension, heart diseases and even strokes. Sudden agitation is known to precipitate a fatal heart attack.

One can control anger by practising self-control over the mind. Avoid reacting immediately to unpleasant situations. In the heat of the moment you may say or do something which may be regretted later. Within seconds the anger may cool and you may think more realistically. Think calmly whether the situation is that bad to warrant such anger; and, what if you are in the place of the person who angered you? Answers to these questions help one to better control their temper next time.

Deep breathing done in spells of anger helps to calm the mind.

Regular yoga and meditation are also very useful in keeping the mind calm in all situations. Thus controlling anger is useful, not only for avoiding an unpleasant situation, but keeping yourself healthy.

Dr Rachna Pande  is a specialist in internal medicine at Ruhengeri Hospital