Officials want all residents to stay in Imidugudu

NORTHERN PROVINCE MUSANZE — The Rwanda Association of Local Government Authorities (RALGA) would ensure that all residents settle in the community settlements locally known as Imidugudu, in order to create more land for agriculture.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008


MUSANZE — The Rwanda Association of Local Government Authorities (RALGA) would ensure that all residents settle in the community settlements locally known as Imidugudu, in order to create more land for agriculture.

This was revealed during a press briefing by RALGA officials who had just completed a two-day retreat in Musanze district on Tuesday.

RALGA is a platform through which districts mayors share their experiences and ideas.

Celestin Karabayinga, the association’s vice President, pointed out that to achieve economic transformation, more land on which to carry out economic activities needs to be created.

Karabayinga, who is also the Mayor for Musanze, added that economic transformation calls for the establishment of more trading centers and projects to create employment.

The officials revealed that through the Integrated Development Programme (IDP), local authorities shall be required to mobilise residents to increase production and improve the quality of their products.

Claudine Nyinawagaga, the Mayor of Gasabo district, observed the need for commitment and innovativeness among leaders in order to maintain the current development pace.

Robert Kashemeza, the Mayor of Nyagatare district underscored the need to mobilise all residents to seek medical treatment whenever they fall sick, in order to reduce infant mortality rates and maternal deaths.

He advised leaders to involve health advisors in the health campaigns.

At the meeting, it was also disclosed that different districts would be rewarded for their innovativeness- during the National Innovation Day slated for November 22 2008. 
