Big ups to MTN!

Dear Editor,As a long time subscriber to MTN, I would like to congratulate the mobile telecommunications network upon introducing the new Top Up service.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Dear Editor,
As a long time subscriber to MTN, I would like to congratulate the mobile telecommunications network upon introducing the new Top Up service.

We are glad that this new service will enable us retain our MTN Rwanda cell SIM cards while we roam in the three East African Community countries.

It is amazing because before this service was introduced, I made sure that I carried over three different SIM cards in case I had to travel to Uganda, Kenya or even Tanzania.

The biggest problem was purchasing Rwandan airtime while in a different country.

It was either scarce or twice expensive than the amount we spend while at home.

Thank you so much and we hope that the service works out efficiently.

It would be worse to introduce a service that might never work no matter how hard a subscriber tries.

Also if possible, find a way of extending this kind of partnership to South Africa as well.
