EAC Budget Speech on agenda as EALA convenes in Arusha

The East African Legislative Assembly (EALA) will starting from today, hold its sitting in Arusha, Tanzania with the EAC Budget Speech one of the items top on agenda. The EAC Budget Speech – a key activity of the EAC calendar – is expected to be delivered on Thursday by the Chair of the Council of Ministers, Dr. Augustine Mahiga.

Monday, May 23, 2016

The East African Legislative Assembly (EALA) will starting from today, hold its sitting in Arusha, Tanzania with the EAC Budget Speech one of the items top on agenda.

The EAC Budget Speech – a key activity of the EAC calendar – is expected to be delivered on Thursday by the Chair of the Council of Ministers, Dr. Augustine Mahiga. 

Thereafter, the Assembly, presided over by Speaker Daniel F. Kidega, is expected to debate and approve the Budget as part of its mandate, according to a statement from the regional assembly.

Last year, EALA debated and approved EAC Budget estimates for the Financial Year 2015/2016 totaling to US$ 110, 660,098. Priority was on the operationalisation of the Single Customs Territory, enhanced implementation of the EAC Common Market Protocol with particular focus on implementation of the new generation EAC internationalised e-Passports and development of the EAC trading, payments and settlements systems.

Special Sitting addressed by former First Ladies

Also top on the agenda during the two week period is a Special Sitting to be addressed by the Partner States’ Independence former First Ladies: Mama Ngina Kenyatta (Kenya), Mama Miria Obote (Uganda) and Mama Maria Nyerere (Tanzania).

The Special Sitting on May 31, according to EALA, presents a unique opportunity for the members to interact and to share experiences with the distinguished former first ladies’ given that EAC as is constituted today, borrows a number of best practices from the first bloc.


Apart from debate on the State of EAC Address delivered on March 8 by Tanzania’s Prime Minister, Kassim Majaliwa, and other Assembly business, EALA will also debate two key Bills – the EAC Persons with Disabilities (PWD) Bill, 2015 and the EAC Supplementary Appropriation Bill, 2016.

The PWD Bill, 2015 aims to provide a comprehensive legal framework for the protection of the rights of persons with disability in the Community.