330 cartons of polythene bags seized in Bugesera

An attempt to smuggle plastic bags into the country was foiled on Thursday when Police in Bugesera District arrested a commercial cyclist transporting over 66, 000 pieces of the banned non biodegradable bags.

Friday, May 20, 2016

An attempt to smuggle plastic bags into the country was foiled on Thursday when Police in Bugesera District arrested a commercial cyclist transporting over 66, 000 pieces of the banned non biodegradable bags.

The polythene bags, packed in 330 cartons, were seized at about 6:30a.m in Gashora Sector, following a tip-off from an area resident, Police said.

The prime suspect, Marcel Nkerabahizi, who was transporting the bags at the time, was arrested and is detained at Gashora Police Station, Inspector of Police Emmanuel Kayigi, Eastern region Police Spokesperson, said.

"This was a targeted operation based on the credible leads from one of the residents of Gashora, who saw Nkerabahizi with the illegal products,” IP Kayigi said.

"This is just one of the many successful operations enabled by the people themselves,” he added.

He warned against anyone who smuggle, attempt to sell or circulate non-biodegradable plastic bags.

"Use and sale of polythene bags is illegal and punishable under the law, I call upon the general public to report anyone violating the law to use or smuggle these banned bags into the country.”

Use of plastic bags in the country is prohibited since 2008.

IP Kayigi added: "Non-biodegradable plastic are commonly found in border districts, we believe they are smuggled through porous borders; we have intensified awareness, monitoring and operations to crackdown on anyone who attempts to smuggle them into the country”. 

Plastic bags are a threat to the ecosystem.
