Dreams come true

Many children have dreams of becoming useful in the future. Some want to become doctors, nurses, journalists, actors, and teachers among many occupations.

Monday, November 03, 2008

Many children have dreams of becoming useful in the future. Some want to become doctors, nurses, journalists, actors, and teachers among many occupations.

Your dreams can come true! However, these ambitions do not happen overnight. Hard work, determination and practice are needed.

Most people who have made it big in life started as dreamers. Listen to everyone’s story, especially your parents, and you will see how they have succeeded throughout the years.

Also, moral support from family and friends are equally important. With guidance from elders you can develop your dream as a child and know exactly what direction to take. Children should talk to their parents about their goals and dreams.

Children should not forget to always stay close to their parents in order to be successful in life because they give the best alternative in case you are lost.
