Rwanda will continue to shine

Editor, RE: “Telling Rwandan stories through theatre at WEF-Africa” (The New Times, May 15).

Monday, May 16, 2016


RE: "Telling Rwandan stories through theatre at WEF-Africa” (The New Times, May 15).

It was such a great pleasure reading this thought-provoking article.

Rwanda Rwiza, a fusion of traditional and contemporary forms of dance, was really able to showcase the country’s artistic excellence.

Hope Azeda, founder and artistic director of Mashirika Performing Arts and Media Company, has proved without any doubt that "we can achieve artistic excellence if there is the will to embrace creativity, the will to embrace process”.

As was mentioned in your interesting article, "African transformation is about bridging countries, bridging knowledge and networking”.

Whether it was Natasha Muhoza’s most appropriate poem or the climax song, "Africa Rise”, what is crystal clear is the fact that Remarkable Rwanda, under the visionary leadership of President Paul Kagame, will continue to be a leader in Africa’s transformation process.

Clarence Fernandes