BK records over Rwf199m turnover on the local bourse

The bond market returned to activity yesterday, pushing Rwf300,000 worth of bonds in one deal at Rwf102, according to the Rwanda Stock Exchange daily market report. The deal realised total turnover of Rwf306,000.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

The bond market returned to activity yesterday, pushing Rwf300,000 worth of bonds in one deal at Rwf102, according to the Rwanda Stock Exchange daily market report. The deal realised total turnover of Rwf306,000. 

On the equity market segment, Bank of Kigali recorded a total turnover of Rwf199.02 million from 710,800 shares traded in two deals. The counter closed at Rwf280, unchanged from Thursday’s close. Both the RSE Share Index and All Share Index were constant, closing at 145.60 and 130.45 points, respectively. 

The other equity counters were quiet yesterday. Crystal Telecom closed at Rwf90, Bralirwa at Rwf173, and Equity Bank was at Rwf334. NMG closed at Rwf1,200; KCB was at Rwf330; and USL at Rwf104. 

At the end of the formal trading hours, there were outstanding offers of 62,000 shares at the Bank of Kigali counter at between Rwf280 and Rwf290 and no bids. Bralirwa received outstanding offers of 33,900 shares, ranging from Rwf173 to Rwf174, and a bid for 493,000 shares at Rwf161. Crystal Telecom got offers of 693,300 shares, ranging from Rwf90 to Rwf99, but there were no bids. On KCB counter, there was an outstanding offer of 9,700 shares at Rwf340. 

On the bond market, there was an outstanding bid for Rwf500,000 worth of bonds at Rwf100, and there were offers of Rwf135.2 million worth of bonds at between Rwf105 and Rwf108. 
