Youth to fight insecurity

SOUTHERN PROVINCE MUHANGA — Motorbike operators in Nyamabuye, Muhanga district have resolved to adopt new measures to maintain security in the district.

Monday, November 03, 2008


MUHANGA — Motorbike operators in Nyamabuye, Muhanga district have resolved to adopt new measures to maintain security in the district.

They made the resolution on Saturday, November 1, after a general cleaning exercise in Gitarama town, conducted by over 200 youths under an association of motorists (Cotravemomu).

The meeting agreed that all transporters should leave work by 9pm, in order to avoid aiding dubious activities.

Security agents last week gunned down a motorist identified as Evariste Musengamana alias Muhanga, for allegedly aiding the escape of suspected armed thugs.

"All motorbike operators should be keen on security by informing the police on any dubious activities involving their comrades and residents, said Intelligence Officer, AIP Afrodis Nkundineza.

Both police and Cotravemomu officials said that most of the motorists have been cooperative in implementing government programmes and called for continued support to curb down the increasing crime rate. Samuel Niyigena, the Nyamabuye youth coordinator, blamed crimes on idle youths. He urged young people to join the existing associations and cooperatives in order to utilise their time profitably.

Niyigena observed that youth empowerment was a solution to the present problems faced by young men and women in the area.
