Wife regrets burning husband with hot cooking oil

NYARUGENGE - Kayitesi Feza 26, is married to Sinayobye Juvenal 28 who is now admitted in the surgery ward at University Hospital Centre ( U.H.C ) in Kigali.

Monday, November 03, 2008
AGONY: Juvenal Sinayobye University Hospital Centre where he is being treated. (Photo/ G.Mugoya)

NYARUGENGE - Kayitesi Feza 26, is married to Sinayobye Juvenal 28 who is now admitted in the surgery ward at University Hospital Centre ( U.H.C ) in Kigali.

A mother of four and nine years of marriage, yesterday Kayitesi, expressed deep regret while in police custody at a police station in Nyamirambo over burning her husband, beyond recognition.

It is alleged that on the 26th  of  October, an unusual incident occurred at Nyakabanda village in Nyarugenge district, after a bitter row between the couple (Sinayobye and Kayitesi) over a ringing mobile phone, Kayitesi is said to have in a rage turned to her husband and poured hot cooking oil into his face burning him beyond recognition.

Sinayobye is in a critical condition in hospital. "The burns are deep that they have even affected the lungs, so breathing is a problem to him,” says Doctor Nyundo Nartin who is treating him.

The doctor added that the patient is breathing through a tracheotomy. A tracheotomy is when a tube is fixed into the trachea to help in the breathing process.

In an exclusive interview with The New Times at the police station in Nyamirambo where Kayitesi is now being detained, she regrets what she did.

Kayitesi explains that, it all started when someone called her using a mobile number she didn’t know. Which call she refused to pick but the husband insisted that she picks her phone, but she defied him.

It is alleged her husband then took her mobile phone and hit it against the wall and it broke to pieces; words of anger were exchanged.

In what she termed as self- defence, she got the saucepan and poured the hot cooking oil into her husband’s face then quickly ran out of the house through the back door. 

"I am very sorry, having lost my temper, it affected my decision making in solving the issue, it’s the worst mistake I have ever made,” says the remorseful Kayitesi.

"We have separated 7 times in nine years but always forgiven each other,” she reveals.

"I can’t imagine what I did,” she added in a low tone as she failed to contain tears flowing from her eyes.
