Young innovative minds are champions of Rwanda's devt

Editor, RE: “Diaspora Business Incubator: Where global ideas meet Rwanda’s devt outline”(The New Times, April 12).

Wednesday, April 13, 2016


RE: "Diaspora Business Incubator: Where global ideas meet Rwanda’s devt outline”(The New Times, April 12).

The people of Rwanda at home and in the Diaspora, together with their friends and well-wishers, have been observing a week of mourning with deep reverence and fervent prayers for all the dearly departed as well as for the survivors of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi.

The New Times has been covering, most effectively, commemorations, various events and other activities during this period when we remember one of the most vicious killings in the history of mankind.

One such significant event was the official launch of the Diaspora Business Incubator (DBI) in Kigali.

‘Resilient and Remarkable Rwanda’ will surely make innovations with DBI, a platform that would serve as activation, consulting and a support hub for all Diaspora members interested in investing and starting business in Rwanda.

The three Rwandans – Jabo Butera from U.K., co-founder and CEO; Francine Umutesi from Poland; and Gisèle Baganizi from Canada – need to be commended for this great initiative.

As Mr Butera very rightly remarked, "DBI is a platform where global ideas meet Rwandan success.” And these global ideas will, without doubt, meet with success in this beautiful land of a thousand hills and a million smiles.

The world today is a global village. It is, therefore, very encouraging to see these three talented Rwandans come together and offer a platform for others from the Diaspora to come and invest in their country.

DBI will likewise facilitate local Rwandan businesses to access global markets resulting in a win-win situation.

Please allow me to conclude with words from a song from the famous movie, Sound of Music: "Bless my homeland forever”.

May the good Lord bless Rwanda and all her people abundantly in the years ahead and forever!

Clarence Fernandes