Genocide fugitive arrested

MAYOTTE ISLAND - Genocide fugitive, Captain Pascal Simbikangwa, has been arrested in the French territory of Mayotte Island located in the Indian Ocean. John Bosco Mutangana, the head of the National Genocide Fugitives Tracking unit, revealed that Captain Simbikangwa was arrested while trying to forge travel documents.

Sunday, November 02, 2008
Pascal Simbikangwa.

MAYOTTE ISLAND - Genocide fugitive, Captain Pascal Simbikangwa, has been arrested in the French territory of Mayotte Island located in the Indian Ocean.

John Bosco Mutangana, the head of the National Genocide Fugitives Tracking unit, revealed that Captain Simbikangwa was arrested while trying to forge travel documents.

"This arrest is a very good signal. It shows countries are steadily embracing the cause of arresting genocide fugitives,” said Mutangana. The arrest of Simbikangwa brings the total number of genocide fugitives arrested since July last year to five.

Simbikangwa was the director of the infamous death squad and close confidant to the former President Habyarimana and Colonel Théoneste Bagosora who is regareded as the "mastermind” of the 1994 Genocide of Tutsis.

Simbikangwa is alleged to have committed genocide in Kigali central, mainly in Kiyovu, and as far as Gisenyi, where he used to order killers to round up and kill Tutsis in those areas. He is known for his unique torturing tactics and the brutality he employed in killing people during the genocide.

His arrest was a result of collaboration between Mayottes’ Prosecution Office and police, following the Interpol notice.

According to Mutangana, Simbikangwa is currently detained in a prison on Mayotte Island, where he will remain until November 10 when his case will be heard.

He said that after the arrest, Mayottes’ office of prosecution asked the French Ministry of Justice to look into the matter and they are waiting recommendations.

Other Genocide suspects who have already been arrested include Isaac Kamali, Claver Kamana, Marcel Bavugabagabo and Dominique Ntawukuriryayo.
