Tired of the hullabaloo of economies going down at a very alarming rate, I am not going to sit back and watch as Wall Street comes down to its knees. My rambling today is not one for you to sit on the couch and read for leisure but one that is likely to earn me a slot at MINICOFIN as, say, an economic consultant.
Tired of the hullabaloo of economies going down at a very alarming rate, I am not going to sit back and watch as Wall Street comes down to its knees.
My rambling today is not one for you to sit on the couch and read for leisure but one that is likely to earn me a slot at MINICOFIN as, say, an economic consultant.
It looks like even if Uncle Sam comes in with a bailout plan worth $700 billion it will not save the situation in the US, so why not take precautions before we follow the same course?
Something must be wrong with the US economy and therefore, before it crawls down to us (I am told we have started feeling the shocks already), I will devise means to beat the financial crisis.
As the US comes down, we will make our way up and you never know we might be the next World Super power overnight.
They say you need to know the problem first and then you can tackle head on. So first let’s break down the root cause of the crisis. Personally I think the US has plotted it own downfall and we can’t afford to do the same.
Look at the lifestyle of Americans, lavish and pompous, splashing dollars all over the place. Let’s face it, hip hop superstars and actors living red carpet Hollywood lifestyles should be arrested and charged with conspiring to bring down the US economy.
I had actually suspected it earlier that the 50 Cents and Snoop Doggs of this world devalued the dollar. Take time to watch MTV, watch those videos where they make the ‘dollars’ rain!
The poor dollar could not survive. We should not let our Choga Styles and KGB Boys roam around splashing the Franc like the American boys do the dollar…..should we?
Secondly, invest in real business not shares. Call me conservative but I think investing in shares is just lazy. It took me a while to understand how shares work but even once I got it, I remained convinced that investing in shares is investing in ‘air’…… I can’t see the damn shares yet I go ahead and spend my hard earned money on them… Where’s the sense in that?
Poor Americans are paying for preferring to sit and let their money work. My father told me that for every profit you need to break some sweat, that’s why I would rather invest in a physical shop or a taxi which I have to drive around, than sit in the leisure park and bite on a MacDonald’s doughnut as somebody else uses my money to work…
Lastly, we the conservatives should not buy the idea of just sitting back and let somebody else construct our houses. You know at first it felt like a great idea for one to sit back as somebody constructed your house in that estate which you will pay off and move in without any idea of how much a bag of cement costs.
I would rather buy a piece of land and slowly but surely construct my house like it used to be done in the past. Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae just assured us housing schemes are not to be trusted…. Eeh my phone is ringing, could this be the Minister…?
Contact: kagire_eddie@yahoo.com