Relationships: The writing’s on the wall, so read it!

Time is passing and you haven’t heard from him. No calls, no SMS…nothing. But he claims to love you. What does it mean? “Sorry sweetie I was so held up at work and it just skipped my mind, but otherwise you have been on my mind.”

Friday, October 31, 2008

Time is passing and you haven’t heard from him. No calls, no SMS…nothing. But he claims to love you. What does it mean?

"Sorry sweetie I was so held up at work and it just skipped my mind, but otherwise you have been on my mind.”


He gives excuses like he’s too busy, he forgot to call, he needs time to sort out some issues. You decide to give it time and see how things unfold, but he continues with his monkey games.

Now listen up girl, face the truth he may not be into you at all! It is a frightening reality which many women would hate to pronounce aloud.

It is about reading between the lines and the earlier you acknowledge it the faster it will be for you to move on and save your precious heart.

Women often give excuses for men’s non conformist behaviour. These justifications are as absurd as misplaced dialing fingers to as pathetic as difficult childhoods.

But I am yet to meet a man who would stop going after his heart for any reason whatsoever. Or one who is too busy or has been through something so devastating that makes it hard for him to get involved. If there are any, they are as rare as rubies.

I suppose then there is really no justification for mixed messages given by a man. The result is you end up getting fanatical while trying to figure out what it all means.

You keep rewinding the events of when you last saw him in your mind, trying to figure out his actions and words but nothing gives a clue to any thing substantial.

Read between the lines the man is over you, lady. The idea is not to empathise with yourself but to realise that this guy is a time waster and you are better off busted out of his company.

If a guy doesn’t call you when he says he would then you are in the wrong hands. The writing is right there on the wall, he’s actions are roaring out to you. He’s not into you honey, move on.

Relationship counselors would agree with me that when a guy is into you he lets you know. He calls, he shows up, he apologises to you whenever he goes wrongs, he can’t keep his ears and eyes off you, and most importantly, he will always care and be there for you.

This is a guy who wants to tell every one that he has someone. So, ladies, try to differentiate between love and pretence before you fall victims of love.
