Choosing between science and religion

Science or religion, that is a tough one because I am a firm believer that in their own ways, they complement each other, but the question today is about choosing. If I was asked to choose between the two, what would I pick? I would choose science. Before you start calling me a non believer, please do hear me out.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

At least with science, there is proof

Science or religion, that is a tough one because I am a firm believer that in their own ways, they complement each other, but the question today is about choosing. If I was asked to choose between the two, what would I pick? I would choose science. Before you start calling me a non believer, please do hear me out.

It is a known fact that science has contributed much more to humanity than religion. You see; the good thing about science is that it’s neutral about everything. I don’t know if we can say the same for religion, which truthfully really does tend to give people false hope, and in recent times, it can be blamed for causing heinous crimes against humanity.

Science has given us the ability to cure diseases, learn about nature and understand our universe. Without science, our world would not exist as it does today. If it wasn’t for science, we wouldn’t have the technology we have today and many other health issues would prevail.

The value of science is greater than the value of religion because science is what proves theories about certain religions. Science has proved its worth by actually going ahead to challenge some religious theories. While science can prove or disprove the different religious theories in the world, religion is one subject that always leaves most of us with unanswered questions.

Religion is important but it’s not essential to our survival, whereas science allows us to live better lives. Religion gives us illusions, some which have failed us miserably, while Science gives the wings to fly.

Religion plays its role in spiritual nourishment to society. However, science makes advancements in health, technology, and industry. We need science to be able to evolve and progress. Science always grows and the benefits grow with it.

We can only thank religion for the part it plays in something as big as science and that part if not negligible. It’s name is faith.

Science is not certain of the future

All other truths are subject to time and society. As science becomes more complex, religion becomes more abstract. Many of the people who ridicule religion are confident that, by using science, humanity can march onwards to a better world. If science produces theories that we can use without believing them, then religion is a bank of myth.

Myths can’t be verified or falsified in the way theories can be, but I have no doubt that some of the ancient myths we inherit from religion are far more truthful than the stories the modern world tells. Myths are stories that tell us something about ourselves that can’t be captured in scientific theories.

Science hasn’t given us any myths. It has instead become a vehicle for myths – big among them being the myth of salvation through science. This gives me the belief that religion is the only thing standing between humankind and despair, uncertainty, uselessness, addiction, or crime. Religion is not just an emotional comfort; it’s also the glue that holds one’s identity together. Religions were invented to fill gaps in scientific knowledge.

Belonging to a religion involves accepting a set of beliefs, which are held before the mind and assessed in terms of the evidence that exists for and against them.  Just as you don’t have to believe that a scientific theory is true in order to use it, you don’t have to believe a story for it to give meaning to your life.

Science will always try to equal Gods knowledge like Eve tried to be as intelligent as God by eating the forbidden fruit. What is the point in knowing how things work if we do not know why they work and who makes them work?

What is the point of living to learn if you are not certain about your future?

The value of science doesn’t help man to progress towards making humankind better. Man will always push the limits but as limits are removed, he finds before him a new set of limits, even more complex than before.

What does that tell us? It opens us to the fact that indeed, religion is the only thing that can stand the test of time.