Rubavu residents share their views about President's visit

We are happy that the President came here to meet people in Mudende, which means that he is really close to people. We would like to thank him for what his government has done to help the poor by building houses for them and giving them cows. He also built hospitals and schools, which is good for our development.

Friday, March 25, 2016

We are happy that the President came here to meet people in Mudende, which means that he is really close to people.

We would like to thank him for what his government has done to help the poor by building houses for them and giving them cows.

He also built hospitals and schools, which is good for our development.

Agnès Ayingeneye, 35-year-old mother of six, farmer



We have been privileged to meet with the President.

We are proud of him and committed to contribute toward a sustainable development of our district through his leadership.

Rubavu is a district of a thousand opportunities and it is open for investors.

Everyone should come and discover it.

Janvier Murenzi, vice-mayor in charge of economic affairs and development in Rubavu District



It is the first time the President has come to Mudende Sector, so we are very excited. It’s good that he has come to visit us and we believe he will bring more development here.

For example, we need a maternity ward at our health centre in Mudende and we also need an asphalt road for Kabuhanga that connects us to the border with DR Congo.

Jean de Dieu Hakizimana, resident of Mudende Sector



We are very happy to receive the President.

As young people we hope that he can address the issue of unemployment among young graduates.

Alliance Uwineza, 18-year-old student



I am very happy to receive the President here in Mudende.

If given a chance to talk to him I would ask him to make it easier for young people to access loans so we can create our own jobs.

I also wish he can bring us electricity in the rural area of Mudende since there is a lot we can do with it to create jobs.

Augustin Niyigena, 23-year-old farmer in Mudende Sector and a senior six graduate of electronics



We are very happy to receive the President here because we really needed him.

He makes us happy through his actions and fight against injustice and for our country’s development.

Roger Nkurikiyinka, 55-year-old farmer based in Rubavu and a father of seven