Editorial: Amidst the chaos

This week as Eastern Congo has been spiraling out of control and all Kigali has been whipped up into investment frenzy, we have been seeing what else is going on

Friday, October 31, 2008

This week as Eastern Congo has been spiraling out of control and all Kigali has been whipped up into investment frenzy, we have been seeing what else is going on. 

In keeping with the money making theme, BERNA NAMATA gives all you ladies advice on how to make your way in that crazy world of business.

Heed her advice; you never know where it might get you. Meanwhile EDMUND KAGIRE has single handedly solved the world financial crisis (page 10) – this, you can’t miss!

INGINA Y’IGIHANGA has discovered that slavery still exists, while STEPHEN TUMUSIIME has unearthed a horrible truth about people infected with HIV.

Traveling to work on a bus one morning, he witnessed a scene that would reveal to him that there are people in our midst who knowingly infect others with HIV. Sound too dreadful to be true? Turn to page 6 to find out more.

On a more light hearted note and for those of you who want to glam up your look, check out LINDA MBABAZI’s tip on rings (page 11).

And this is not just for the ladies, boys you too can benefit from her words of wisdom. No excuses for fashion faux pas’s when it comes to accessorising your fingers!!

Remember, it’s important to relax, switch off from the world, and we are giving you the perfect accompaniment for doing just that. Take it easy this Sunday.

Contact: sundaytimes@newtimes.co.rw