Alternative to hard work is misery, says Kagame

President Paul Kagame has called upon the people of Rubavu District to work hard for their own development, saying that much as this may be tiring, the alternative of not working hard is even more costly, as it could mean poverty, disease or even death.

Friday, March 25, 2016

President Paul Kagame has called upon the people of Rubavu District to work hard for their own development, saying that much as this may be tiring, the alternative of not working hard is even more costly, as it could mean poverty, disease or even death.

He said this Friday, as he continued his Citizen Outreach programme in Mudende Sector of Rubavu District, where he met tens of thousands of residents on his second leg of the three-day tour that started in Gakenke District on Thursday.

"The journey to development requires hard work but the alternative means poverty, disease and death… let us commit to the hard work needed to transform our country and reject the alternative,” he told them.

He also cautioned them against the habit of not sending their children to school; a mindset he said must change if the desired development was to be achieved.

The head of state is expected to have a meeting with opinion leaders in Rubavu District late Friday and will conclude his tour Saturday with another meeting with the citizens in Nyundo, also in Rubavu District.

The three-day trip is part of the President’s routine meetings with citizens across the country during which he meets and interacts with people, focusing on issues of governance and development.