President Kagame begins three-day upcountry tour

Thousands of residents on Thursday morning gathered at Nemba playground in Northern Province’s Gakenke District to receive President Paul Kagame.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Thousands of residents on Thursday morning gathered at Nemba playground in Northern Province’s Gakenke District to receive President Paul Kagame.

The President was in Gakenke on the first leg of his three-day tour that will also see him visit Rubavu District.

Addressing Gakenke residents, he commended them on the achievements registered, especially in lifting themselves out of poverty but took issue with the fact that some projects promised to them had not been implemented, several years later.

He said that it was unacceptable that some projects in infrastructure were promised to them in 1999 and had not been delivered by the different implementing institutions, pledging to follow up himself and ensure they get them.

He was referring to a hospital and feeder roads which residents complained make it hard for the people to get their farm produce to the market.

The Head of State also challenged the people to continue playing their part in their own development but promised to personally ensure that they get the services they are due from government.

Pascaline Nambajimana, 25, walked for an hour to come to Nemba playground, to be able to see the president once again.

"I am happy to receive the Head of State. I am excited because it’s for the second time I am have seen him,” she said, seated on the grass and holding her baby on the lap.

Among the issues she would like the President to address are the lack of electricity in the area and the provision of cows to more poor families through the Gir’Inka programme for vulnerable families.

"It’s true that more people have got cows here, especially those who are very poor, but I think everyone should be given a cow,” she told The New Times.

The issue of electricity, which according to the district mayor, Deogratias Nzamwita, has reached 15 per cent across the district, was reiterated by the President, who said that it is still insufficient and must increase.

The tour is part of the President’s routine outreach visits upcountry where he meets the people and interacts with them, focusing on issues of governance and development.

In Rubavu, President Kagame will meet with citizens in two different areas on Friday and Saturday where he is expected to meet opinion leaders in the district on Friday evening.