The will of the people is what matters

Editor, RE: “Democracy without prosperity is dead” (The New Times, March 20).

Sunday, March 20, 2016


RE: "Democracy without prosperity is dead” (The New Times, March 20).

What many foreigners want to push onto us Rwandans can in no way be considered democracy but an attempt to replace our will with their dictates—in other words, the very antithesis of democracy.

When it isn't their dictates, they try to push their fetishist version of process 'democracy' over the real stuff which Rwandans instinctively understand as the real thing: a governance system that gives equal opportunity to each Rwandan, prioritizes the physical and health security of every citizen, ensures the rule of law and sanctions law-breakers no matter who they might be, and demands full accountability of everyone who has any custody of public resources.

The fetishist democracy they try to push on us is one that has the trappings of regular citizen choice but rarely delivers on their needs or wants. It seems those who push for that version don't only not care that theirs is empty of any substance; they in fact prefer that it have none as that keeps us dependent on them, in need of their perpetual approval and their charity and therefore validates them as our betters.

We have no more need of their lectures that only aim at keeping us under their heavy thumb forever.

Mwene Kalinda