Caught on camera: Part 2

Just last week, I shared my views on secret recordings and tapings by mostly creepy people on unsuspecting victims. Well here’s part two if I can call it that, about a university lecturer who has been doubling as a porn star!

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Just last week, I shared my views on secret recordings and tapings by mostly creepy people on unsuspecting victims. Well here’s part two if I can call it that, about a university lecturer who has been doubling as a porn star!

Nicholas Goddard, a 61 year old Chemistry Professor at the University of Manchester was recently exposed as an ‘adult’ film star, in other words a porn star. I can’t come to terms with the fact that a lecturer even found time to do porn on the side.

From what I remember of my Chemistry lessons, the subject is not exactly a walk in the park and that was secondary level Chemistry. Things must be more complicated at University level and surely, between trying to explain different concepts to students, setting exams and marking papers, Professor Goddard wouldn’t have that much time to waste filming adult videos!

Well he did and in fact dedicated so much time that he appeared in multiple videos, enough for some of his students to recognize him! Those students should be "investigated” as well. They were supposed to be studying!

But surely, he knew it was a matter of time before that happened.

And no I haven’t seen any of the videos myself and won’t be watching any and you probably shouldn’t try to watch them either but apparently, it’s out there. I give it to Professor Goddard though. He seems unfazed by all this attention and some of his colleagues and students don’t think it’s such a big deal. There really is no such thing as bad publicity!

He released a statement saying he will resign from his university job but I doubt he’s terribly ashamed or anything like that and in fact I think he’ll now do porn full time. He called those berating him hypocrites for "enjoying the porn” and then having a problem with the actors.

I guess he has a point but I’d be uncomfortable attending lectures knowing what my lecturer gets up to after work. I think some parents would also have a hard time wondering whether the professor wasn’t trying to recruit their children.

It’s funny how the story usually is former porn stars making something of their lives and I’m not trying to disrespect those in the industry because I don’t know their circumstances and what they’re going through but like I said earlier, society in general is more likely to celebrate or embrace those who use the money from their "after dark” gigs to say fund further education and go on to become entrepreneurs or professionals of some sort.

I would understand if a lecturer in a developing country did this kind of thing because many of us have to make ends meet. We read about teachers striking for higher pay in nearly all African countries and many go unpaid for months, if not years so it would make sense if they took on other jobs. But do any of you honestly believe Professor Goddard was poorly paid? I don’t think so. This must just be a passion of his.