[PHOTOS] Women parliamentarians' forum elects new leaders

The Forum for Women Parliamentarians in Rwanda (FFRP) has elected new leaders who will steer the body for the next two-and-a-half years.

Saturday, March 19, 2016
Members of the Forum for Women Parliamentarians in Rwanda vote their new president by show of hands during a meeting in Bugesera District yesterday. (Timothy Kisambira)

The Forum for Women Parliamentarians in Rwanda (FFRP) has elected new leaders who will steer the body for the next two-and-a-half years.

The new committee was elected at an ordinary general meeting in Bugesera District, yesterday, with MP Anitha Mutesi replacing Ignatienne Nyirarukundo as president.

Mutesi said her committee will focus on advocacy for women empowerment in various sectors.

MP Anitha Mutesi, the new president of the Forum for Women Parliamentarians in Rwanda, speaks after being elected at the meeting in Bugesera District. (Timothy Kisambira)

"FFRP has so far achieved a lot in terms of promoting gender equality where many women have dared to engage in administration and decision-making,” Mutesi said.

"To continue in the same spirit, my committee will focus on advocating for women to venture in entrepreneurship so that they can be economically empowered.” 

Other members of the new committee include MP Jeanne-Henriette Mukabikino, who was elected as the vice-president of the forum, and Senator Consolée Uwimana, who was elected as secretary-general.

MP Mukabikino is the new vice-president of FFRP. (Timothy Kisambira)

The event also saw four new members admitted to the forum, bringing the membership to 91, from both chambers of parliament.

Of these, there are 62 women, while other members of the forum are men.

Members of the Forum for Women Parliamentarians in Rwanda follow proceedings during the meeting. (Timothy Kisambira)

MP Jean-Marie Vianney Gatabazi, who is one of the male members of the forum, said men should be more committed to helping their female counterparts to ensure gender parity.

Speaker Donathile Mukabalisa urged women parliamentarians to work hand in hand with men to promote gender equality and ensure women empowerment.

An MP takes pictures during the meeting with his tablet. (Timothy Kisambira)

"Since its establishment in 1996, FFRP has been contributing to promotion of gender equality, including establishing committees on gender promotion in both chambers. However, both women and men need to work jointly to ensure that gender parity is promoted,” Mukabalisa said.

The outgoing committee was headed by Nyirarukundo who was the president, Marie-Médiatrice Izabiriza as vice president, and Marguerite Nyagahura, who was the secretary-general.
