Row erupts over animal ownership

SOUTHERN PROVINCE MUHANGA — A bitter row has erupted between a group of orphans in Muhanga and their former foster parents over a cow donated by the Bureau Sociale de Gitarama (BSG).

Friday, October 31, 2008


MUHANGA — A bitter row has erupted between a group of orphans in Muhanga and their former foster parents over a cow donated by the Bureau Sociale de Gitarama (BSG).

BSG is a charity foundation founded by the late Swiss native Margrit Fuchs, who died in a motor accident in Butare, last year.

Margrit had promised to donate cows to 75 foster families in the area, before she died, according sources. After the death, BSG officials mid this year honored the pledge and donated a cow to one of the families that had adopted Amani Muhirwa- as a means of supporting their livelihood.

However, by the time of delivering the pledge, the child (Muhirwa) had separated with the family. But both the child and guardian now claim ownership of the cow.

The orphans argue that since the cow was donated when the child had left the family, the guardian has no right of ownership.

"The cow was donated at the time when Amani Muhirwa was no longer in the family but the guardians adopted another child, Ishmael Hategekimana, in order to have right to the donation,” says one orphan, Sifa Bagarirayose, a sister to Muhirwa.

However, Zainabu Nyiraminani, the guardian contends that she cannot handover the cow yet she adopted two other orphans. 

A meeting convened to resolve the simmering dispute on Tuesday, ended prematurely after the orphans and other supportive residents stormed out, after a bitter verbal exchange.

According to sources, an association of foster parents in the area, Abagirimpuhwe Association, had earlier on October 13, 2008 resolved that the cow be handed over to the orphan. Other residents have suggested that the case should be forwarded to the officials of BSG for resolution.

"The list of orphans under the family in question should be provided in order to resolve the conflict…or else the foster parents and orphans must come to a consensus,” a resident said.

Meanwhile, Bagarirayose, also accuses BSG of maintaining names of orphans on their support list whom they never give support, an allegation BSG officials deny.

An official of BSG, later told The New Times that their stand is that the cow should be given to the orphans, although the child left the home.
