Hackers strike Bank of Uganda accounts, try to steal $24m

KAMPALA -- Ugandan government officials and hackers have since last July attempted four times to siphon $24 million (Ush81 billion) through the Uganda central bank.

Friday, March 18, 2016

KAMPALA – Ugandan government officials and hackers have since last July attempted four times to siphon $24 million (Ush81 billion) through the Uganda central bank.

However some of the monies that had successfully been wired to Hong Kong and UAE was retrieved through inter-bank procedures, the latest being $8 million (Ush27 billion) transferred on February 26, 2016.

The accounts targeted were those of the largest budget holders, among them the Defence, Energy and Agriculture ministry’s as well as the Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA).

"The matter is the subject of an active investigation, so until that process ends we are not in a position to offer the details you are requesting for,” said Bank of Uganda communications director Christine Alupo.

"Yes, indeed all the funds were recovered from the United Arab Emirates and Hong Kong and are back in the custody of the Bank of Uganda.”

The first attempt aimed at the biggest amount happened in July 2015 and $12 million (Ush40 billion) was targeted. The plot was foiled, and the masterminds went below the radar, re-emerging in December 2015 to try to steal $2 million (Ush6.7 billion).

A month later, in January 2016, they made another attempt to fork out Ush8 billion but were detected in time before returning to compromise the system last month.

Although the Ministry of Finance first notified Uganda Police of the breaches 10 months ago, its detectives did not act immediately, prompting the military, whose budget was targeted, to swing into action and arrest three suspects who are in police custody.
