No casinos in Rwanda

Dear Editor, For some time I have been marvelling at how Rwanda has embarked on the high speed train of development. While most of the  projects being carried out in Rwanda in the name of development are useful and  commendable, I would like to express my dissapointment on the subject of erecting a casino in Rwanda.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Dear Editor,

For some time I have been marvelling at how Rwanda has embarked on the high speed train of development. While most of the  projects being carried out in Rwanda in the name of development are useful and  commendable, I would like to express my dissapointment on the subject of erecting a casino in Rwanda.

Casinos are gambling houses whose only aim is to  rip off citizens of their hard-earned money. Gambling is a corrupt and addictive habit which should not be encouraged in a developing country such as Rwanda.

A responsible government like the one we have which has been advocating a "zero tolerance” policy against corruption should see to it that these  "houses of delinquency and immorality "are not allowed to proliferate in a country like ours whose population is essentially poor. 

One may argue that casinos will be a good source of  employment and taxes for Rwandans but this argument does not hold water when one weighs in the scientifically proven and devastating consenquences of gambling which  will not spare Rwandans once they become addicted to gambling. 

While the choice of gambling is a personal  one, government  must not "lead its citizens into temptation” by licensing casinos-gambling houses. Thank you for allowing me space in your respectable publication.