No room for complacency
Editor, RE: Kagame urges officials to perform to level best – (The New Times, March 15)
Tuesday, March 15, 2016
RE: Kagame urges officials to perform to level best – (The New Times, March 15)
Rwanda’s leadership has fully shaped Brand Rwanda and it is visible that other nations have embraced it; however, experience has shown that once on the top, sliding back is easy and I fully agree with the President that we cannot afford to go back where we have come from.
As much as we celebrate success, we need to take stock of what the future we want should look like. Rwanda can, once again, perform very well on SDGs, if we all invest our maximum effort at all levels and all s(private and public).
Our global positioning is much clearer tomorrow than today and we stand to reap big if we keep the momentum.
Richard Niwenshuti