250 pupils attend VCT

WESTERN PROVINCE KARONGI — Over 250 pupils of Birambo Primary School in Gashari Sector on Monday underwent Voluntary Counseling and HIV Testing (VTC).

Thursday, October 30, 2008


KARONGI — Over 250 pupils of Birambo Primary School in Gashari Sector on Monday underwent Voluntary Counseling and HIV Testing (VTC).

The programme was organised by ADRA Rwanda aimed at helping people get free HIV testing in order to know their status.

According to the VTC training coordinator, in Karongi and Nyamasheke districts, Elysée Nyiringabo, the programme started at Birambo but it would later be rolled out to other schools and the community.

"We decided to start with pupils. Being tomorrow’s generation, a lot of effort need to be put in them because they are the best productive assets,” he said, explaining that children are more vulnerable to Aids.

"They are often deceived and in most cases raped by adults, but they don’t report these sex offenders. We launched this project to help them set their future life and those found infected will be helped,” Nyiringabo added. 
Jean de Dieu Nshimiyimana, is a primary six pupil. He was ready to go for voluntary HIV testing before sitting for his national exams in order to prepare for his future.

"Tomorrow (Tuesday) we are sitting for Primary Leaving Exams and I want to first go for HIV test and know whether I am HIV positive. This will help me take informed decisions for my life,” Nshimiyimana, 14, said before going for the test.

Mary Mukeshimana 13, another pupil in form five at the same school acknowledged that even children of their age engage in sex and the testing was vital for them.

"Young girls are also part of that class….this programme has helped us to know where we are and take concrete decisions for our lives,” she said.

According to ADRA officials, the programme will also be extended to uniformed personnel including Police, army, prisons warders and Local Defence Forces in the two districts.  
