EDITORIAL: Women's Day: Rwandan women have reason to celebrate

Today is International Women’s Day that will be celebrated in conjunction with the National Women’s Day. This is a day set aside to highlight women issues and at the same time celebrate their achievements.

Tuesday, March 08, 2016

Today is International Women’s Day that will be celebrated in conjunction with the National Women’s Day.

This is a day set aside to highlight women issues and at the same time celebrate their achievements.

Women in Rwanda have a lot to celebrate, but sadly, the same cannot be said of other countries.

One of the most burning issues is women employment, representation as well as the discrimination they suffer, even in the so-called developed countries.

On a world average, women occupy just 18.4% of seats in parliament at a time when Rwanda tops the list with 64% representation.

And, the same applies to other areas of leadership both in the public and private sectors.

So, as women in Rwanda celebrate that gender imbalance is not condoned in this country, we should not forget that there is a lot more to achieve.

Having the right policies and conducive environments in place is one thing, how we take advantage of this to transform our lives and those of our families matters as well.