MIFOTRA must stop exploitation of Bugesera steel factory workers

Editor, RE: “Bugesera steel company given one month to address workers’ complaints” (The New Times, February 25, 2016)

Monday, March 07, 2016


RE: "Bugesera steel company given one month to address workers’ complaints” (The New Times, February 25, 2016)

Last year, there were pictures in this paper showing women busy cleaning and beautifying the City of Kigali.

Various people including me commented on their working condition specifically pointing at how city authorities are negligent of their plight, with regards to providing them with protective equipment.

Today, we are learning that workers at the Bugesera plant are working in even a worse and more dangerous environment.

To me, these two stories confirm one thing: The Ministry of Labour is not doing its job as we expect it to do. I am not sure is the Ministry has an inspectorate department but if they don’t, it high time they set up one.

The Minister is encouraging employers and employees to solve their disputes peacefully. That it not going to happened and it has never happened anywhere. The Ministry of Labour has a duty to ensure that employees’ rights and workplace safety are guaranteed.
