Residents trained on disaster preparedness

WESTERN PROVINCE RUSIZI —  The International Committee of the Red Cross has trained 38 residents on disaster preparedness.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


RUSIZI —  The International Committee of the Red Cross has trained 38 residents on disaster preparedness.

During the two-day seminar that took place on Tuesday, at Auberge Gloria in Kamembe Sector, participants were equipped with several techniques on how to handle disasters like earthquakes and floods including rescuing victims.

Jean Bosco Nkusi, an official with Rwanda Red Cross, urged the trainees, who are also Red Cross volunteers in the region to always disseminate basic disaster management knowledge to their fellow residents and to be exemplary in helping residents affected by disasters.

"I call upon you as responsible volunteers in this district to go back and teach all your fellow residents how they can prevent disasters because that’s when we shall get the best results,” Nkusi said.

He urged participants to always collaborate with the local authorities on several developmental aspects especially on how to improve the living standards of the residents. The trainees were also given equipment for disaster handling such as clothes and other tools.

Nkusi asked the trainees to sensitise and mobilise residents in their respective localities to settle in community settlements (Imidugudu), saying this enables disaster victims to be easily accessed by rescue team whenever a disaster occurs.  
