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During pregnancy, there is a myth that a woman should eat for two, but this is not correct. Eating too many calories is not healthy at any time. Calories tend to increase body weight and increase deposition of fat inside blood vessels. This becomes precursor for many health related problems like diabetes, high blood pressure and heart attacks. In pregnancy one has to be careful about the diet taken.

Sunday, February 28, 2016
Pregnant women need to eat 300 calories every day. (Net photo)

Dear Doctor,

Is eating too much calories during pregnancy dangerous?

During pregnancy, there is a myth that a woman should eat for two, but this is not correct. Eating too many calories is not healthy at any time. Calories tend to increase body weight and increase deposition of fat inside blood vessels. This becomes precursor for many health related problems like diabetes, high blood pressure and heart attacks. In pregnancy one has to be careful about the diet taken.

A pregnant woman has higher risk for these problems. Although they would not only affect her directly, over eating is hazardous in multiple ways for the unborn baby. It can create problems during delivery like difficult labor and cephalopelvic disproportion due to large size of baby Extra calories are needed during pregnancy, to meet the increased demand, which is more in the 3rd trimester.

The weight gain should not exceed 8-10 kg during entire pregnancy cycle. When it comes to nutrition during pregnancy, one should focus more on healthy foods like fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts. Consultation of dietitian for a pregnant woman is necessary and should include total number of calories to be taken. This takes into account the height, weight , physical activity of the woman along with other demands of pregnancy. By-Dr. Rachna Pande Specialist-internal medicine Ruhengeri Hospital
