Burera TVET school in environmental protection drive

Over 70 students of Kabona Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in Burera District have formed anti-crime and environmental protection clubs in their pursuit to support existing national policies and initiatives to promote safety and conserve nature.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Over 70 students of Kabona Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in Burera District have formed anti-crime and environmental protection clubs in their pursuit to support existing national policies and initiatives to promote safety and conserve nature.

The clubs were formed last week in an event held at the school and attended by police officers and other officials.

The students also elected Elie Kwizera as the coordinator of the two clubs.

Kwizera appealed to his fellow students to be active club members and contribute in nation building through different means including environment protection and standing up against law breakers.

"We are going to start with sharing information with police about crimes in our midst and promote tree planting as part of the environmental protection campaign,” Kwizera said.

As part of the anti-crime drive, Kwizera said that the club members will be sensitising their fellow students against felonies such as drug abuse.

Addressing students, the District Community Liaison Officer Inspector of Police (IP) Justin Kajeje emphasised that the anti-crime club should serve as a platform for them to exchange views and enlighten one another about several crimes and how they can contribute in fighting them.

"Reach out to your colleagues, friends and neighbours and encourage them to always report to police anyone they suspect to be an offender… with regards to environmental protection, it’s a responsibility of every Rwandan to protect our surroundings from any harm for the best of our future,” said Kajeje.

The Director of Kabona TVET school, Jean Bosco Bizimana thanked RNP for facilitating students to form the two clubs and pledged that the school administration will ensure the students are continuously facilitated at all times.'
