7,000 sit for PLE in Gicumbi

NORTHERN PROVINCE GICUMBI — A total of 7,085 primary six pupils yesterday began their Primary Leaving Examination (PLE) in 28 examination centres, in Gicumbi District.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


GICUMBI — A total of 7,085 primary six pupils yesterday began their Primary Leaving Examination (PLE) in 28 examination centres, in Gicumbi District.

Pupils in three examination centres of Inyange, Kageyo and EPA Primary Schools around Byumba town had already arrived at the exam centres in large numbers as early as 7.00 a.m.

According to records availed to The New Times by the District Director of Education, Deogratias Mwanafunzi, 628 pupils registered for the exams at Kageyo examination centre, 301 pupils at EPA and 274 pupils at Inyange Primary School around Byumba town alone.

"The pupils in the entire district sat for mock exams to prepare them for the national examinations,” said Mwanafunzi.

Pupils started their exams at 9.00 am official time, with Mathematics as their first exam paper which was followed by Science in the afternoon.

"English and French exams will be conducted on Wednesday,” added Mwanafunzi.

Each candidate was thoroughly body-searched by exam supervisors before entering the examination room.
