Singapore's tax treaties with Rwanda, Thailand enter into force

The Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore has announced that tax treaties signed with Rwanda and Thailand entered into force on February 15, according to agencies.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

The Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore has announced that tax treaties signed with Rwanda and Thailand entered into force on February 15, according to agencies.

The Singapore-Rwanda treaty, signed August 26, 2014, provides for a withholding tax rate of 7.5 percent on dividends, and a 10 percent rate on interest, royalties, and professional fees (except that withholding tax for interest in the case of a governmental institution is zero).

The revised Singapore-Thailand treaty, signed June 11, 2015, lowers withholding tax rates on dividends, interest, and royalties, and lengthens the threshold period for determining the presence of a permanent establishment.

The treaty replaces an agreement signed by the parties in September 1975.
