Rule your computers!

Our world today is growing into a giant maze of technology. Computers are everywhere! You might think computers are taking over the world ready to rule human kind! This is because the world today is computer based.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Our world today is growing into a giant maze of technology. Computers are everywhere! You might think computers are taking over the world ready to rule human kind! This is because the world today is computer based.

Someone in America can communicate with someone on an isolated island on Lake Kivu. This is only possible with internet connection.

Did you know that children all over the world are using computers to study reading and writing? They can read their children’s stories from computers.

Even in Rwanda this is very possible. Our country is promoting computer use for children by giving each child a computer.

This is very good because children can now complete homework very quickly without mistakes. They can also learn about anything by doing research on any part of the world!

With the help of teachers and parents, you can also sharpen skills in drawing, reading and typing. Slowly, through practice you too can become a computer genius like Bill Gates!  

Make use of computers but never forget to control yourself. Otherwise you can become addicted to it. Computers should not rule you, but instead you should rule your computer. 

Be computer friendly and learn more with computers!
