A New Challenge

This is Part 7 of “More than she could ever imagine”, a series about an African Christian Hero called Adhiambo. Her life changed when she stopped helping her friend to steal and found joy in teaching children about Jesus and God’s love.

Monday, October 27, 2008

This is Part 7 of "More than she could ever imagine”, a series about an African Christian Hero called Adhiambo. Her life changed when she stopped helping her friend to steal and found joy in teaching children about Jesus and God’s love.

One day Adhiambo was thinking about the many children who need Jesus.

"Thirty children are in my Sunday school class,” she thought.

"Forty are in my Sunday afternoon Good News Club. I told 200 kids about Jesus at the fair. But there are thousands of children who need to know Him. I must reach more- but how?”

Two American missionaries, Kathy and Sandy, visited Mombasa that year. Kathy complimented Adhiambo.

"You are a wonderful teacher of children,” she said.

"Now would you like to learn how to help other Christians teach God’s Word?”

Teach Christians to become teachers? Adhiambo had never thought of such a thing. Quickly she added some numbers in her head.

If she taught ten people to teach and each one taught 40 children, how many children would hear about the way to heaven?

Yes, 400! Many more than she could tell by herself!

"If you know Jesus as Your Savior, He wants to be the Lord of your life. Have you ever given the whole of yourself to God? Are you willing to be whatever God wants you to be? How many of you would step inside this circle to show that you want God to be in charge of all your life?” the teacher urged.

Adhiambo would not do this! She was willing to put one foot inside the circle but she didn’t want to give God all of her life. She didn’t want to give up her good job as a high school teacher.

"Give all of your self,” the teacher urged. A battle was going on in Adhiambo’s heart as she listened. Finally she decided that she would give her whole life to God!

Adhiambo knew God wanted her to serve Him as her full-time work but what would her family think? Find out ext week what Adhiambo’s family will think about her drastic choice.

Adapted from Teach Kids.