Investment in RwandAir is paying off

Editor, RE: “Give us more destinations, Ugandan traders tell RwandAir” (The New Times, February 8).

Tuesday, February 09, 2016


RE: "Give us more destinations, Ugandan traders tell RwandAir” (The New Times, February 8).

As an individual who visits Kigali regularly, I have seen the steady growth registered by the national carrier, RwandAir.

One must, of course, understand the tremendous capital investment involved in the expansion of an airline's fleet. This is coupled with the other infrastructural investments and costs of opening up a new destination or increasing frequencies to existing destinations.

However, it is without any doubt that RwandAir's pro-active approach will always result in an ongoing expansion both of their fleet of aircrafts and correspondingly of the frequency with which they operate to the existing destinations.

As Frank Mugambage, Rwanda's High Commissioner to Uganda, remarked, "RwandAir has plans this year of extending its destinations to Europe, India and China”.

Such a move will be most welcome. We in Mumbai are preparing to receive the first ever tourism delegation from Remarkable Rwanda for the Outbound Travel Market, which will be held at the Mumbai Exhibition Centre from 18 to 20 February 2016.

RwandAir's participation at this travel expo has evinced great interest already and its proposed entry into the Indian air space will be welcomed with open arms.

Clarence Fernandes