Emulate West African woman’s historical case

Dear editor, I was surprised to hear a very courageous woman ready to take government to task for not protecting her. In fact, Judges are due to rule on Monday on a case of alleged slavery in the West African state of Niger.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Dear editor,

I was surprised to hear a very courageous woman ready to take government to task for not protecting her. In fact, Judges are due to rule on Monday on a case of alleged slavery in the West African state of Niger.

Hadijatou Mani, who says she was sold at 12 and forced to work for 10 years, has argued in a regional court that the government failed to protect her. 

In Africa, there are similar cases and government should be forewarned that women might emulate Mani’s reaction and take them to court too.

This should serve as an eye opener on several fronts: to the abusers, women will no longer take abuse lying down but are prepared to fight to protect their rights.

It might take years, as in this case, but be assured everyone that sooner or later the day of reckoning will come.

To fellow women sufferers, Mani’s case gives you the power, the encouragement not to keep quiet. Speak out always and we shall have a much better society to live in, free from women abuse, full of justice and fairness and consideration to all human beings.
