Why rip off the metres?

Dear editor, First, I am a foreigner living in Kigali City. Sir, your country is beautiful and the people also are very kind, so kind that even their rights are trampled on.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Dear editor,

First, I am a foreigner living in Kigali City. Sir, your country is beautiful and the people also are very kind, so kind that even their rights are trampled on.

Sir, I plead with you to send your reporters to Kinyinya to see how the people are being ill treated by the Mayor and Electrogaz.

Electrogaz is ripping off their metres from the houses during this time of need. This is the rainy season and we have no electricity.

Electrogaz claims that we all must have electricity and water at the same time. What puzzles me is their persistent demand for Frw80,000 from these poor people before they can reinstall the metres.

Also, the Mayor said that the occupants in this area will be evicted from this land by the end of November or December - to where, nobody knows.

Even if someone had a lot of money they would not pay because they know that very soon they would be evicted.
This is not the right way to treat any human being.

What these authorities should have done is first consult among themselves- the Mayor and Electrogaz before they started ripping off the electric metres from peoples houses.

Even if I had the money, I would not pay it because I know I will be evicted from the area. There is no reason whatsoever as to why I should throw my money away if I am going to be thrown out too!

Kigali City