Ruhango in environmental protection drive

SOUTHERN PROVINCE RUHANGO — Local leaders and residents in Ruhango district have been urged to implement strategies aimed at protecting forests.

Monday, October 27, 2008


RUHANGO — Local leaders and residents in Ruhango district have been urged to implement strategies aimed at protecting forests.

The call was made by Catherine Mukayire, the acting Mayor, during the recent monthly community work held in Mwendo sector.

The day was dedicated to environmental protection and over 500 residents joined leaders to dig at least 4,785 holes where trees would be planted and prepared 1,780 tree nursery beds. The activities were valued at about Frw2m.

After the communal work, participants held open discussions on different issues including corruption, security and health insurance for 2009 among others.

Mukayire hailed residents for embracing government development programmes, saying the district is determined to resolving environmental problems by the end this year.

The day coincided with the end of the district health and hygiene week-during which residents were urged to maintain hygiene in homes and the community.

Mwendo residents asked district officials to intervene in issues of disaster caused by heavy rainfall that has destroyed a number of farmlands.  
