Rulindo emerges best in ‘Imihigo’

NORTHERN PROVINCE MUSANZE — Rulindo has emerged the best performing district in this year’s performance contracts commonly known as Imihigo.

Monday, October 27, 2008


MUSANZE — Rulindo has emerged the best performing district in this year’s performance contracts commonly known as Imihigo.

According to the results of the provincial assessment exercise carried out yesterday, Burera district, emerged second, Gicumbi third, while Musanze and Gakenke became fourth and fifth respectively. 

During the evaluation, Mayors presented their achievements in the different domains of good governance, economic development, welfare and justice.

Dr Charles Murigande, the Minister for Cabinet Affairs, who represented the Prime Minister, Bernard Makuza at the function, said that performance contracts assessment exercise was an opportunity to share experiences where leaders can adopt new good innovations for Rwandans.

He asked leaders to resettle residents in settlements (Imidugudu) as a matter of priority. Only 20% of people in the districts live in settlements.

The minister also asked leaders to expand primary schools to accommodate secondary school students next year.

Protais Musoni, the Minister of Local Government, asked the local leaders to involve all citizens in the transformation process by engaging them in the performance contracts.

He said that the local authorities should assess the steps taken and draw lessons from what has been done in order to create lasting solutions. 

The ceremony which took place at Fatima guest house, attracted several officials including members of parliament, regional, district and religious leaders, representatives of NGOs,  the army and police among others.
