Your concerns: Why am I balding at an early age?

I am 25 years old but nearly going bald, something I thought I would only experience later in life. What could be causing my hair loss? Haman

Sunday, February 07, 2016
A man with a bald head. Stress is among the major causes of early balding. (Net photo)

I am 25 years old but nearly going bald, something I thought I would only experience later in life. What could be causing my hair loss? 


Dear Hamman,

Premature balding is indeed a cause for concern. Stress and worrying too much are the most common cause for falling hair in a young adult. This happens because stress leads to production of increased amount of the hormone DHT(dihydrotestosterone) which causes excess hair fall. Not drinking adequate amount of water depletes the body of minerals responsible for strengthening hair follicles. Alcohol and use of tobacco also leads to premature balding. Lack of adequate sleep is also cited as one of the reasons.

Use of harsh chemicals as found in shampoos and hair colours, weaken hair root and cause excess hair fall. Diet poor in vitamins B3, B5, B9 and vitamin E weakens the hair and can result in baldness. Protein is necessary for replenishing keratin the protein found in hair follicles. Therefore diet poor in proteins can lead to baldness.

Excess dryness of scalp accelerates hair fall. Chronic infections like fungus, louse infestation are also responsible for excess hair loss. Any chronic disease in the body and or chronic malnutrition can cause baldness as one of the manifestations. Hormonal disorders like diabetes, thyroid deficiency are also responsible for baldness. Some drugs used for treating depression, hypertension, arthritis, cancers, cause hair loss as adverse effect.

One can have premature baldness due to hereditary factors as well.

Efforts to make healthy lifestyle changes will pay dividends in form of rich hair growth.

Dr Rachna Pande  is a specialist in internal medicine at Ruhengeri Hospital