Your concerns: Can I take coffee during pregnancy?

I have always been a heavy coffee drinker but I am pregnant now. Does caffeine pose any risks to my unborn baby? Georgette

Sunday, February 07, 2016

I have always been a heavy coffee drinker but I am pregnant now. Does caffeine pose any risks to my unborn baby? 


Dear Georgette,

Too much coffee is not a very healthy choice and is bad for pregnancy. Coffee is a stimulant for the body. It tends to increase the heart rate and blood pressure if taken regularly and in excess. One also develops insomnia due to coffee taken during evenings. 

It passes from mother to baby through the placenta during pregnancy. The still developing body of the foetus is unable to handle the coffee consumed. Hence there is risk of baby developing problems of fast heart rate or rhythm disturbances and also insomnia. In the first trimester, coffee can cause miscarriage or even birth defects in the baby.

Some experts advocate drinking coffee in moderation, that is, not more than 150gms per day. But wisdom lies in avoiding it altogether. Because how the body handles coffee and how much it will affect the unborn baby is very variable.