New WB country manager assumes office

The new Country Manager for the World Bank Group has assumed office in Kigali after he was named as the replacement for Carolyn Turk, whose tour of duty ended in December last year.

Friday, February 05, 2016
Mr. Yasser El-Gammal.

The new Country Manager for the World Bank Group has assumed office in Kigali after he was named as the replacement for Carolyn Turk, whose tour of duty ended in December last year.

According to a statement from the World Bank, Yasser El -Gammal, an Egyptian and Canadian citizen, brings with him a rich experience in development accumulated over 24 years working across different regions of the world.

"He joined the World Bank in 1996, and has since worked in the Middle East and North Africa, Europe and Central Asia, and Africa Regions mainly on human development issues; while leading major flagship operations in social protection,” says the statement.

Between 2009 and 2011, he was the Cluster Leader for Social Protection in East and Central Africa during which time he worked extensively with different stakeholders in support of Rwanda’s Social Protection system and was the Task Team Leader for a World Bank support amounting to $46million in the two years, according to the statement.

"I am so excited to be in Rwanda and I am happy to see the remarkable progress that has taken place. I am honored to lead the World Bank support to this country and will work hard along with my colleagues to contribute to further improving the lives of the Rwandans,” he is quoted as saying.

During his office tenure, Mr. El-Gammal’s key priorities will include leading the implementation of the World Bank’s Country Partnership Strategy, which focuses on supporting the acceleration of private-sector led economic growth, improving productivity, social protection and incomes for the poor and supporting accountable governance.