Kigali bound ONATRACOM bus collides with trailer

A Kigali bound ONATRACOM bus from Kampala, Uganda yesterday before reaching Mpigi District (in Uganda), collided with a trailer.

Monday, October 27, 2008
One of the ONATRACOM buses was involved in Mpigi, Uganda accident No critical injuries

A Kigali bound ONATRACOM bus from Kampala, Uganda yesterday before reaching Mpigi District (in Uganda), collided with a trailer.

Sources say that the bus which was carrying lots of merchandise and full of business persons was badly damaged. They add that apart from the driver and conductor who are in critical condition, none of the passengers sustained serious injuries.

Staff at ONATRACOM’s Kigali offices confirmed the accident.
"The accident caused a short delay of two hours while passengers waited to be transferred to another bus. Unlike the usual check in time, the bus will arrive here in Kigali at 3.00pm,”said the man in the office who was not comfortable to reveal his name.

In a similar development personnel of Jaguar buses at their main office in Nyabugogo Bus Park in Kigali, complained that they have always been mentioned in accidents that they are not involved in.

"Whenever Kigali bound buses have accidents, they (people) claim that it is Jaguar, which is usually not so,” said a Jaguar bus worker who was only identified as Ntanganda.

"We have improved services by acquiring a fleet of over 6 new buses that have already arrived in Kampala and will replace the old buses on the Kampala-Kigali route,” he added.

Last week, a bus in Kampala was involved in an accident and reports over the radio said that it was a Jaguar bus which turned out not to be the case. 
