Intercepted stolen vehicle returned to Ugandan owner

Rwanda National Police (RNP) has handed over a previously stolen vehicle to a Ugandan businessman, Moses Kananura Ndizeye, after it was intercepted in December last year following Interpol notice.

Wednesday, February 03, 2016
Kananura receives his car documents from ACP Tony Kuramba, the commissioner for Interpol Rwanda, in Kigali, yesterday. (Theogene Nsengimana)

Rwanda National Police (RNP) has handed over a previously stolen vehicle to a Ugandan businessman, Moses Kananura Ndizeye, after it was intercepted in December last year following Interpol notice.

Police spokesperson Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) Celestin Twahirwa said the posh MarkX vehicle, registration number UAN 400C, was intercepted at Gatuna border post on December 31 as it crossed into Rwanda, after it was found on the international police log of stolen vehicles.

According to the notice, the vehicle had been stolen from Japan.

"We contacted Japan and Uganda, but after exhaustive discussion with the former, where it was allegedly stolen, it was unanimously agreed that the car be returned to the current owner (Kananura) especially since he is not the wanted thief, and an insurance firm in Japan had already reimbursed the company where the vehicle was stolen,” said ACP Twahirwa.

He said that Rwanda National Police remains vigilant on anything criminal or suspicious adding that "anytime anything stolen or wanted person crosses the border into Rwanda, they intercepted.”

Kananura, who commended the professionalism of RNP, said that he bought the car in Uganda at $15, 000.

"I didn’t know that I was driving a stolen vehicle until I reached at Gatuna border on the Rwandan side, as I was trying to clear its entry papers, only to be told that it was on the Interpol notice,” said Kananura.

"But beyond that, I want to thank RNP for their vigilance against cross-border crimes,” said Kananura.

Police has in the last three years intercepted about 20 vehicles stolen in neighbouring countries and beyond, either destined or being transferred through Rwanda.