Expert Voice: Consult your teacher and join discussion groups

Economics is not as daunting as it seems, it’s all about following simple rules to hasten your levels of retention. Repeated use of these rules builds understanding and confidence.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Economics is not as daunting as it seems, it’s all about following simple rules to hasten your levels of retention. Repeated use of these rules builds understanding and confidence.

Even the worst economics performance could turn out successful if you break old habits and adopt new better tools as well as work on your attitude towards the subject.

Be prepared physically, mentally and emotionally! Tell yourself that you are willing to learn and perform better, plus get equipped with all the scholastic materials you need to use like your pamphlets, books and notes. Show your teacher how serious you are by actively participating in the lesson. They will facilitate your learning more rapidly once you show enthusiasm.

If you don’t comprehend something, don’t hesitate to ask your teacher and by doing your assignment right after the class, it won’t be hard recalling the said lesson. Make discussion groups with friends who are good at economics along with the internet, materials, online quizzes and practice by yourself on any given problem you find disturbing. Don’t skip class and try to motivate yourself by routinely revising books much earlier before exams to allow your brain get familiar with both simple and complex concepts. 

Eat nutritious foods to boost your brain-body connection and drink lots of water to keep hydrated. Be pretty relaxed while you are studying. Excessive anxiety can cause you to lose focus and make mistakes. Review the notes on anything that isn’t your strongest point and focus on that. Remember, whatever the mind can conceive and believe to be possible, you can achieve. With the right attitude and proper time management, you’ll pass the subject.