Best PLE, O-Level candidates share success stories

The Ministry of Education, on Thursday, released results for last year’s Primary Leaving and Ordinary Level examinations indicating improvement in performance compared to 2014.

Saturday, January 16, 2016
Audrey Divine Sheja.

The Ministry of Education, on Thursday, released results for last year’s Primary Leaving and Ordinary Level examinations indicating improvement in performance compared to 2014. 

Saturday Times’ Eddie Nsabimana and Steven Muvunyi spoke to some best performers, teachers and parents about their reactions. Best PLE candidates scored aggregate 5 while those of Senior Three scored aggregate 8.

Ora Gratia Rutayisire, 13, Espoir de l’Avenir Primary School.

Ora Gratia Rutayisire

"I thank my parents for their input in my success. Teachers also did a great job. They kept watch on us and helped us whenever required,” Rutayisire said.

She urged other parents to prioritise their children’s education.

"Parents should know that the best gift their children need is education. They may be spending their time in business but they should not forget that we need to study. Apart from study but their assistance is also needed at home when we are doing our home works and revisions,” Rutayisire said.

Edwin Munyangeyo, 12, from Kigali Parents Primary School.

Edwin Munyangeyo

"I am happy with the results. I want to become an engineer. My parents did a good job as they always told me the only way to success is hard work and discipline.”

Divin Lionnele Dushimimana, 12, Espoir de l’Avenir Primary School in Bugesera.

Divin Lionnele Dushimimana

Dushimimana emerged as best overall PLE candidate countrywide.

He said he received news of his performance with doubts although he had done his exams with confidence.

"I was informed by our neighbours. I could not believe since they said they had heard it on radio. My secret to success was competitiveness,” Dushimimana said.

"I aimed at emerging the best in the country and my dreams have come true. I intend to work harder than I used to. I also thank my parents and teachers who assisted me in my studies. I want to study medicine and be a popular doctor.”

Audrey Divine Sheja, from Kigali Parents Primary School. Sheja emerged second-best countrywide.

"I had hopes to excel but I didn’t expect to emerge among the top ten. I am really happy. My target is to study harder. I owe my success to my parents, and teachers,” Sheja said.

"The parents always pressed me to do my home works and read textbooks if I needed to pass. They provided me with all the necessary materials. Teachers also played a big role towards my success; they guided me all through.

"I am always serious in whatever I do, but when it comes to studying, I become more serious than before. That is the key to my success. So other students should also be serious with studies and follow their teachers’ advice. I want to become a surgeon.”

Ordinary secondary level

Kato. Eddie Nsabimana.

In Ordinary Level, 14-year-old Belise Mbabazi, from Maranyundo Girls’ School in Bugesera emerged as the best candidate countrywide, ahead of 15-year-old Sheila Teta Kangwagye, also from Maranyundo Girls’ School.

Among other best performing students is David Adam Kato. The 15-year-old from Lycee de Kigali said he managed to excel due to hard work and prayer.

"In addition to respect, I love to pray and work hard. This will always be in my character,” he said.

His father Kato Ninyetegeka said it is a big honour to have a bright student who can make his parents proud.

"My son is a bright boy. I feel proud of him because he didn’t put our fees to waste. I’m happy to hear he is among best performers in the country,” he said.

Teachers’ voice

Sr Juvenal Mukanarama, the head teacher of Maranyundo Girls’ High School, a school that produced the best two O-Level students, said she was not surprised by the performance of her students because they were smart and hardworking.

"Our students are courageous and we provide them with all necessary needs, on top of that we focus on teaching them the importance of school and passion for it,” she said.

Enos Tumwikirize, a P6 teacher at Kigali Parents Primary School reminded his fellow teachers that the key to students’ success at every level is focus.

"We have a very good teaching system which has led to consistent success over the years. We also create enough time for our students. We also teach in one class. Every teacher concentrates on his class. That is the key,” Tumwikirize said.