Rwandans are not blind

Editor, RE: “Rwandans know what’s best for Rwanda” (The New Times, December 12).

Thursday, January 14, 2016


RE: "Rwandans know what’s best for Rwanda” (The New Times, December 12).

The West, notably the US, most recently keeps giving the impression that Rwandans are a blindfolded lot who must be saved from "a monstrous” government.

It’s amazing they are not ashamed to insult us! Does what has been achieved in Rwanda, in all spheres, in such short a time, prove to them that they are right; that Rwandans are indeed sheep heading for slaughter and their government a "monster” prowling to finish all of them off?

They should be able to understand by now that Rwandans are not less capable of steering themselves forward than the Americans.

Neither Rwandans nor Africans, in general, are a lot that can be maneuvered any longer. We know what is palatable for ourselves and if there was less political interference and the pieces of advice with hidden agendas of the West, we would get there sooner.

Just like the Americans, Rwandans know what’s best for Rwanda of today and tomorrow, and have both the liberty and the right to pave the way to there.

Is amending constitutions undemocratic? If it is not democratically wrong, what is the problem then? A constitution at its best should be a dynamic document, because change is a way of life and should always be expected until such a time when no more need for change for the better is left.

There is no improvement to life without improved approaches; a static life model is both bad and a dead one.

American leaders should tell the world why to amend our constitution, for whatever reason, should seem wrong when in fact America’s constitution has been amended a number of times in the past.

Whether what Rwanda is doing is a mistake or not should be judged from the results. The example of a leader that America should look for should be a president who delivers the way of Kagame, and not those whose responsibility is only to quit, because what Africa is in need of is a leader who improves the lives of its people and not merely those who just wait to leave.

If the essence of democracy is in leaving and not in delivery, then it is not useful for the continent.

My kind advice to the doubting Thomases is, "Watch thy mouths and open thy eyes. Rwanda will not get worse but much better”.
