Impressions: A reluctant comment on US elections

I have tried as much as possible not to delve into the Obama-McCain affair and all the fuss about “America Voting 2008” and I have struggled not to catch the Obama Fever which has gripped Africa, perhaps leaving Malaria doubting its might as Africa’s ‘rocking’ epidemic. I decided to relegate myself to the sidelines as everybody else indulges themselves in Obama talk. But just to be sincere, it’s all getting on my nerves, I can’t wait for America to vote…and opinion polls are not doing me any favour.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

I have tried as much as possible not to delve into the Obama-McCain affair and all the fuss about "America Voting 2008” and I have struggled not to catch the Obama Fever which has gripped Africa, perhaps leaving Malaria doubting its might as Africa’s ‘rocking’ epidemic.

I decided to relegate myself to the sidelines as everybody else indulges themselves in Obama talk. But just to be sincere, it’s all getting on my nerves, I can’t wait for America to vote…and opinion polls are not doing me any favour.

With Obama leading his aging opponent by a reasonable margin according to polls, anxiety is at its peak and a fever is sweeping through Africa.

To many it’s now clear; a black man will be at the helm of the worlds leading superpower come November. Many are betting on it while other have ideas (fantasies rather) of seeking an American Visa as soon as Obama steps into the White House.
Still, I will not drown myself in the politics.

Drawn in as I am, it is with much reservation and caution… because American voting sucks! I have been heart broken twice (by the way I think am a Democrat). Remember the time when all polls showed that Al Gore was slated to be the next US President?

Boom…Bush triumphed, four years later it was another chance for a democrat to takeover and Kelly seemed to be up to the job, at least according to opinion polls and boom….Bush again.
After that I promised not to put my all in the ‘who will be the next US President’ thing. So on November 5, I will just wake up late and watch news to find out who the next US Presidents is and then go to town to see how many people collapsed because Obama didn’t win or even find out which Obama Victory Bash I will attend (trust me boys in Kampala will organise these).

I can imagine the celebration frenzy on the streets of certain African cities which will leave some African Presidents dejected and betrayed by their own constituents.

Seriously am of the view that some African presidents declare curfews and street bans on the eve of the US elections just in case Obama wins. You cannot just let people shift allegiance to a president of a country thousands of miles away? Is it sensible?

I am also of the view that the whole world be given a chance to vote for the next US President, because like never before, everybody seems to be interested in the US elections.

I watched a clip on CNN of Argentineans voting for Obama and McCain and guess what? Obama won the vote, that’s when I realised how deeply the world is concerned.

In Uganda, there is an Association called Ugandans for Obama, it recently collected a huge amount of money in contribution to Obama’s campaigning fund, now this is serious!

But to cap it up all, there’s this email circulating around of a photo of Obama’s relatives from Kenya, loaded on a pickup. Apparently they have begun their long journey to the land of dollars. Seriously you need to see this, if you haven’t contact me.
